Erik Adamonis Spread Sheet

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hardware and Software

September 20, 2011 
If a small company wants to extend the use of information systems into the mobile regime of work than the answer for them is mobile apps. It is 2011 and most businesses today revolve around technology. Whether it is a small business or a large corporation everyone is trying to get an edge on there competitors by finding the newest technology and attempting to innovate it in there business strategy. Mobile apps are becoming a very convenient way for business owners to advertise, sell, and purchase items. “For the iPhone there are over 425,000 apps available,” and many businesses are starting to get apps themselves. (1)
 For example there is a coffee shop in London called Urban Coffee Company, that started out very small and almost got knocked out of business. They had to come up with a way to innovate new technology so that customers would be attracted to there coffee shop rather than Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Urban Coffee created an app that allows customers to order drinks, food etc, and they have the coffee ready by the time they get there. This was a great way to get back on there feet and customer feedback was very satisfying for them. (2)
Technology innovation is the key for a small company to compete or even grow. There are a variety off apps that small companies can benefit off of such as the “Square app which allows customers to pay by scanning there iPhone, Turbo Scan app which allows you to use your smartphone to scan documents, business cards, receipts etc.” Mobile apps will never stop improving and people will never stop creating new apps. Businesses can definitely benefit from apps and it makes it much easier to get feedback from customers. “Ubers social app allows companies to control twitter accounts in order to get feedback from customers and update new items on their market.” Whether people like it or not the world now revolves around technology and you must accept it especially if you are a small business trying to grow. Put some money into technology such as apps and try to stay ahead of other corporations because the business world is extremely competitive and if you get lost behind it is tough to regain strength. (3)

 Work Cited
Phin, Christopher. "How Social Apps Help Small Firms Compete with Global Brands." Future. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <>.

"IPhone - Learn about Apps Available on the App Store." Apple. Apple. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <>.

"The 16 Best Mobile Apps for Small Business — Firmology | Small Business Innovation." Firmology | Small Business Innovation — Firmology Is a Small Business News and Information Media Company Focused on Innovation. 26 July 2011. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <>.

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