Erik Adamonis Spread Sheet

CD Collection

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Information systems

In this generation information systems play a huge role for almost any type of business. Whether it is a large corporation or just a small company in one way or another information systems are involved. Technology will never stop advancing and it is hard for many companies to keep up with these changes so it forces them out of business in most cases. Many small companies that we once used very frequently are being forced to close down due to technological advances and it is a shame. “In this information-centric environment, companies do not become competitive just by amassing physical capital: they must make investments in systems and technologies that maximize the value of their information assets.” Having the most up to date technology is important because it gives your company the tools that are needed to compete or beat out competitors. (1.)
            There are many types of information systems today such as “management information systems, transaction processing systems, decision support systems, executive information systems,” and so on. Today, it is very hard to run a company without these information systems. Input and output from clients or other businesses relies on information systems, executive decisions, and even financial issues would be almost impossible to operate without information systems. New high tech systems are helping companies make more money by bringing in more clients because with all these informations systems companies are able to store more data and are able to stay in touch with the clients. (2.)
            Information systems today cannot only improve the growth of a company bit it can also save lives. Information systems in hospitals are growing rapidly and health care technology is improving all the time. “Specifically, information technology healthcare systems improve the quality of healthcare for patients. Information technology healthcare also prevents medical errors. That could save lives.” Healthcare is very important and information systems are improving hospitals, decisions made by doctors and errors have decreased a good amount since better technology has been used. I visited my doctor not too long ago and he was using an ipad to write out prescriptions now if that is not more convenient I don’t know what is.(3)

Work Cited
1.     "Information Systems in Business Today." Management Information Systems. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.
2.     “Information Systems." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.
3.     "How Information Technology Healthcare Systems save Lives." Think First | Improving the Delivery of Healthcare. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.

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